Sunday, May 01, 2011

Peru: Access to the internet is a fundamental human right

The Macchu Picchu, a UNESCO World Heritage Sit...Image via Wikipedia
This is what we should really be talking about when we are still addressing issues of "digital divide." The full Peruvian House approved a bill that declares as a fundamental right and free unrestricted access to the services of Internet . The same proposal provides for the massification of broadband service, especially in rural areas and places of preferential social interest.
APRA lawmaker Mauricio Mulder was the one who drove in the last minute of the debate that network access is unrestricted and free, and stated that this proposal was endorsed by the Executive.
Therefore, the chairman of the Committee on Transport, Yaneth Cajahuanca (Nationalist Party ), considered as approved will not be noticed, but adopted by the Executive. Freely interpreted it would mean that people stop paying rates, but will not solve the infrastructure for broadband.
He explained that the main purpose of the adopted is to increase coverage of telecommunication backbone networks, high-capacity nationwide and encourage investment in fiber optic networks and service delivery of broadband communications.
According to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), there is a 3% penetration of broadband connections, a rate that leaves us far behind in comparison with neighboring countries.
At the request of Congressman Yonhy Lescano (AP) 28900 Act was amended the Investment in Telecom (Fitel), in order that the resources of that body come from, among others, 1% of revenue billed and reported by telecommunications operating companies. The current standard builds on revenue billed and collected, which is a lower amount.
Cajahuanca lawmaker said in that 1% is also included billing for cable television, not before contemplated.
He noted that the Fitel will no longer be an administrative body, it will become a sectoral technical body, so to replace Pro Investment concessions delivery of broadband to expedite the process.

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